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Palettes workflow

The Palette - is a tool to randomize a look of house objects.

We'll create two palettes for a facade in this tutorial: dark and light, and then we'll use them to create a palettes random container. To create a palette you have to right click on some folder -> Create -> Domik -> Palette

create palette.gif

Now we have to change a layout of windows to make work comfortable.
We need two locked inspectors, one for the house generator to regenerate a house without selecting it in the hierarchy, and the second for palette to make changes without a risk of closing it accidentally.

change windows layout.gif

Now we have to add this palette in top of the skins list in the house generator to see the result of palette changes.

add this palette to the house.gif

The facade of the house is split to five groups:

  • Regular facade walls
  • Thin facade walls
  • Thick facade walls
  • Plinth
  • Columns

regular facade walls.png

thin facade walls.png

thick walls.png



Now let's add skins for regular walls of the house.
This is a dark palette, so we have to select dark skins.

creating of the random group for regular walls.gif

Now we'll select skins which looks good enough.
We have to divide a list of skins with an empty element, and then group suitable skins under it.

just skins.png

skins to check.png


checked skins.png

Don't forget to set the Debug checkbox to true to use the first element in the skins list, otherwise a random skin will be used.

filling up regular walls group.gif

Now let's check the result.

checkout regualr walls.gif

Now we have to randomize facade thin walls. Create new skins random group and fill it with thin facade skins.

thin walls.gif

Check the result.

chechout thin walls.gif

Now let's do thick walls.

thick walls.gif

And check the result.

final checkout dark.gif

Next, let's do the same for the light facade group.

palette light creation and setting up FASTER V2.gif

Checkout the result.

light final checkout.gif

Final step - create a palettes random container to random select one of two palettes.

random palette.gif