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How to create a procedural house

There are two ways to create a procedural house.

  1. Open the Domik folder
  2. Select House Example prefab
  3. Drag-n-Drop it on the scene.
  4. Select it on the scene
  5. Click Generate From Random button in the Inspector.


  1. Create new gameobject in the scene.
  2. Add a House Generator component to it.
  3. Select a Regular House pipeline in the pipeline property in the House Generator component.
  4. Set house sizes in the Base Size menu.
  5. Add a Regular Floor skin to the House Skins property.
  6. Add a Basement floor, FLEX Regular Floor and a Roof floors with correct order as it shows below.
  7. Click the Generate Random button.

You can duplicate it if you want.

  1. Select House Example Prefab in the Hierarchy.
  2. Press Ctrl-D to duplicate prefab instance in the scene.
  3. Change the position on duplicated house by dragging gizmo handle.
  4. Click Generate Random button to regenerate it.
  5. Repeat.

multiple houses.gif

Click a Generate Random button again to randomize look of the house.
