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This node shifts input cells


  • In - cells to shift


  • Out - result of shifting


  • X - X axis offset
  • Y - Y axis offset
  • Floor - floor offset


In this example we'll shift a right side of the house.
default cells.png Pasted image 20211009220556.png At first we have to filter a right side of the house.

Pasted image 20211009220748.png Pasted image 20211009220729.png

Now we can shift it.
Pasted image 20211009220849.png Pasted image 20211009220827.png

Let'd apply changes by the Override node.
Pasted image 20211009220952.png Pasted image 20211009221253.png

A very strange result, isn't it? That's because the process of overriding works with positions, not with cell id, so, from the perspective of the overriding node, we created some bunch of cells somewhere outside of the house and now trying to add them to the house. So, it just doing it.
To solve this problem we have to just exclude cells which we want to shift.
Pasted image 20211009221823.png Pasted image 20211009221839.png