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The Part - is a scriptable object which represents an abstract idea of some house object.
It's just the name of something that you expect to see in the house, nothing more.
The pipeline works only with parts and knows nothing about how parts actually look.

A look of the part defines in the skin

Rotation degrees written in square brackets

Pasted image 20210101150710.png

Rotation degrees written in square brackets

Pasted image 20210101145430.png

  • Turned 90 - link to the same part but rotated by 90 degrees.
  • Turned 180 - link to the same part but rotated by 180 degrees.
  • Turned 270 - link to the same part but rotated by 270 degrees.

See Also: how the domik builds a house, how to add new stuff, deep dive into house building process.