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The Mask - is a mask of adjacency of cells.
This is a description of some place, but in terms of accessibility from the target cell.
Mostly useful in situations when you want to find borders of rooms or whole house.

How to create a mask?

To create new floor select some folder in the Project window -> Right Mouse Click -> Create -> Domik -> Mask create mask.gif

Pasted image 20210402143556.png

  • Space - what type of accessibility do you want to check?
    • House - you want to check that the neighbouring cells belong to the house (you want to find borders of house).
    • Rooms - you want to check that the neighbouring cells belong to target cell's room (you want to find borders of room).
  • Floor - a floor where you want to edit cells to check.

To start working with cells select some cell in the grid.

Pasted image 20210330183433.png

  • State - select what you expect from this cell:
    • Not Important - you don't want to check this cell.
    • Accessible - This cell should be belonged to the same room as a target cell if you selected the Rooms space or this cell should be belonged to the house if you selected the House space.
    • Inaccessible - this cell should be belonged to another room or doesn't exist at all if you selected the Room space or this cell shouldn't exist in this house if you selected the House space.

You can see changes of the mask by the preview system. mask preview.gif.